Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mini Profile... Abiri Ward... proprietor of Cry wolf

So as i mentioned in previous post I will write Mini Profiles on various industry professionals from time to time... Today's profile (who some(my quick of wit readers) may intuit because of the title) is on Abiri Ward who operates Cry Wolf... Abiri also has a trendy lounge in the East Vil, is a new father to baby Luca, devoted husband to lovely Nina Wolf and all around nice guy with a smile that rivals my own... With all that going on he was gracious enough to take time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions and pose for a couple of pics... Thanks Abiri

1) WIIN: what is your full name? AW: abiri ward

2) WIIN: where are you from and how long have you been in NY? AW: I'm originally from washington DC and I have been in NYC for 10 years

3) WIIN: what is cry wolf and the motivation behind it? how long has it been in existence? AW: cry wolf is a men's and women's fashion boutique located in the east village of NYC. We have been open since April of '08 and launched the online version of the store in Nov of '08. the motivation behind cry wolf was to open a boutique with eclectic brands from all over the world and to provide excellent service to our customers.

4)WIIN: in 5 words or less please describe your personal style? AW: comfortable, tailored and venturesome
5) WIIN: what's your favorite item in your wardrobe? AW: public school "kaptain kid" leather jacket
6) WIIN: what do you think guys need to wear more of? AW: cardigans
7) WIIN: what or who has been your greatest fashion influence? AW: living in milan

8) WIIN: what current trend have you seen enough of? AW: gladiator sandals & flat brimmed hats
9) WIIN: who is your favorite designer of the moment? AW: Gareth Moody of Chronicles of Never
10) WIIN: what is the best fashion tip that you are willing to share? AW: dress for yourself

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